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Die Eulersche Zahl e

The Euler Number e with 786 Decimal Places

Die Eulersche Zahl e mit 786 Nachkommastellen (The Euler Number e with 786 Decimal Places)

160x140 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

The number e, named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, is one of the most important constants in mathematics. It is a transcendental and therefore also an irrational real number, playing a central role in analysis and all its related fields of mathematics. It is crucial in describing processes such as radioactive decay and natural growth.

The number e cannot be represented as a fraction of two natural numbers and has an infinite, non-repeating decimal expansion. Out of the several billion decimal places of Euler’s number e known today, the first 786 have been incorporated into the painting in their exact order.

Private collection

Private Collection